Category Archives for Sharpen Your Mindset

Shish Kabobs and the Power of Why

A certain young man set off into the world, determined to become a skilled metal shish kabob skewer maker.  (This was the dream job of many young lads in the land.) To accomplish his dream, the young man sought out the best shish kabob skewer maker in all the land to learn from him. He searched everywhere […]

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It’s not about you.

If you want to give a great speech or teach a great lesson, don’t think about how you can make people like you or see you as a powerful orator or whether people will think you are funny or not. Instead, focus on how you can uplift others and help them learn and become better. […]

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When Pattern Matching Works against You

At what point does a person lose hope when they have tried over and over again to establish a habit that just won’t stick? It happens as soon as they accept the patterns of the past as the fate of the future.The Patterns of the PastOur minds create expectations based on what we have experienced in […]

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